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Managers & Coaches

A coach will impact more young people in a year than the average person does in a lifetime.  As a coach, you are there to help your players develop their skills to get them to the next level.  Besides baseball skills, you have the opportunity to add to their foundation of life lessons and skills.  Being part of a team will help to improve their social skills and confidence, as well as their overall health.  Come join SVBL and volunteer to coach today!

Becoming a Manager or Coach

Thank you for volunteering for SVBL!  An individual interview will be conducted by the SVBL Board of Directors for each Manager applicant.  Coaches for each team will be appointed by the Manager.  Both managers and coaches are required to complete the Background Checks, Abuse Prevention training and the Babe Ruth coach certification.

  • Background checks must be completed every two years, confirmed current every year by Risk Management
  • Abuse Prevention training must be done every two years, confirmed current every year by Risk Management
  • The Live Scan background check is required annually, confirmed current every year by Risk Management

For any additional questions about coaching or managing, please reach out to the SVBL League President.  For questions about the background screening process and verification, please reach out to the SVBL Risk Manager.


It has become the standard among youth organizations to require volunteers working with children to complete a background check. The purpose of the required background check is to deter individuals who should not be working with young athletes from applying to volunteer. Additionally, it serves to identify any unsuitable criminal history of those individuals who do apply as a volunteer.

Babe Ruth League, Inc. cares about the protection of your players and feels confident that we can achieve our goal of making Babe Ruth League, Inc. the safest program in which our youth can enjoy the great games of baseball and softball. In addition, in February 2018, a Federal law “Safe Sports Act” was sign into law requiring volunteers to take abuse prevention training. 

If you will be in the dugout or on the field with the players, you  are required to complete the following background checks and training prior to taking the field with your team.  Rosters will not be released to Managers until all background check requirements have been completed.

Please also inform the parents on your team that they are NOT allowed regularly in the dugouts or to help at practice unless they have completed the Background Checks & Abuse Prevention Training.  All volunteer information and requirements can be found on the SVBL Volunteer Page.

BABE RUTH Membership Registration for Volunteers
  1. Go to  Babe Ruth League Membership

  2. Confirm you are signing up with SVBL and select "Get Started"

  3. Select yourself from the options on the screen or follow prompts to log in

  4. Participation Role

    • Coaches & Managers - Select "Coach Membership"

    • Parent Volunteers including Team Parents – Select "Non-Coach Volunteer Membership"

  5. Length of Participation

    • "Select All Season: Non-Florida Resident"

  6. Confirm the membership on screen and click "Next"

  7. Review the information on the screen & Select "Continue to Payment"

  8. Confirm the information on the screen & select “Continue to My Sports Engine”

  9. From there you will see your Babe Ruth League Memberships assigned to SVBL

  10. Click on any item and follow the prompts to complete the following, as required – if any of the below needs to be completed you will show as “Ineligible”:

    • Abuse Prevention Systems

    • Background Screening

    • Babe Ruth League Code of Conduct

The status of all of your requirements can be viewed & accessed from your Home screen in Sports Engine.

BABE RUTH Background Screening
  1. Select “Complete Screening”

  2. From there you will be redirected to the  Background Screen Registration

  3. Follow the prompts on the screen to register

    • When you get to the step, enter the full League Name: Simi Valley Baseball League

    • Verify your personal information

  4. The next screen will take you to the shopping cart.  Enter code 259CAS11045 at checkout, which will discount the cost of the background check fee that has already been paid by SVBL. 

  5. Select “Next” to complete the order.

  6. Check your email for confirmation – you should receive confirmation within 5 business days.



AB 506 is a California law that requires all employees, registered adult volunteers and regular volunteers (age 18 or older) who have more than 16 hours a month (or 32 hours per year) of contact with a youth to complete a Live Scan background check (the digital version of inked fingerprinting) and youth protection training. You will need a valid government-issued ID such as a driver’s license, state/government ID card or passport to complete the background check. The Babe Ruth screenings do not cover all of the CA requirements, which is why we also need to complete this additional check.

SVBL will host a Live Scan event on January 11th, with an additional event to be announced ahead of the 2025 Spring season start.  Please attend one of these events to complete your Live Scan background check.  If you are unable to attend, please reach out to the SVBL Risk Manager to coordinate. 



BABE RUTH COACHING CERTIFICATION (Required for Managers & Coaches)

There is no one single action that can have more of a positive impact on our players than improving the quality and knowledge of our managers and coaches. Managers and coaches are the ones who spend the most time interacting with our participants and the ones who can make a child's experience in youth sports fun and memorable. Therefore, it is vital for youth coaches to be properly trained to focus more on the child's baseball and softball experience and less on winning games.

With this in mind, the Babe Ruth League Coaching Certification Program was developed. Under the program, all Babe Ruth League-affiliated baseball and softball coaches must complete coaching education and certification.

The Babe Ruth League Coaching Certification Program consists of the following online courses:

  • Coaching Youth Baseball the Babe Ruth League Way
  • Coaching Youth Softball the Babe Ruth League Way

Babe Ruth League, Inc. exclusively endorses these online courses for certification. The courses were developed and are delivered by Human Kinetics Coach Education.

Coaches who successfully pass the course for the sport they coach receive a certification that is valid for their entire coaching career with Babe Ruth League, Inc.

The Coaching Youth Baseball the Babe Ruth League Way Online Course can be completed here.  

The cost is $19.95 and is reimbursable by the League.  For reimbursement, please send your receipt to the SVBL Treasurer.


3700 Royal Ave  
Simi Valley, CA 93063